Choosing a concept for your semester-long
Concept-folio can be dificult and is certainly challenging. Let's use this post to declare "working concepts", or initial ideas. Post your possible concepts by 9-21 and offer an explanation for your focus. After you post your concept and offer an explanation, be sure to view your classmates' concepts. Offer commendations or criticism and don't be shy. After all, wouldn't you rather reformulate your concept now as opposed to in November? And remember- your concept should transcend disciplines; it must be applicable to:
-visual references: at least 10 color copies of images which exemplify the chosen concept; a list of at least 20 additional images which exemplify the chosen concept- every work of art must be cited with artist, title, date, country of origin, and medium
-3 student-authored critiques of 3 of the chosen color images which display mastery of the visual vocabulary terms addressed in this course; 2 samples of existing criticism, critique, review, or biographical information regarding the other 2 chosen color images
-5 student-authored narratives based upon 5 relevant color images which display a comprehensive understanding of the grammar and sentence pattern techniques addressed in this course
-2 student-authored examinations, with quotes and/or excerpts, of the 2 remaining color images which analyze the works of art in relation to the philosophical viewpoints presented in Plato’s
Republic and Leo Tolstoy’s
What is Art?
-at least 5 excerpts from literature, poetry, or non-fiction which support or reflect the chosen concept- every excerpt must be cited with author, title, date, and country of origin; a list of at least 20 additional pieces of literature, poetry, or non-fiction which support the chosen concept
-list of at least 10 websites or links which contain highly relevant information regarding the chosen concept
-evidence (photos, journal entries, etc.) of interaction with the community based on the spirit of the concept; for example, a concept-folio entitled “Perceptions of Beauty” may elicit a community-wide visual survey and a concept-folio entitled “Nature and the Arts” may elicit the promotion of a landscape painting excursion to the Norton Conservation on North Worcester Street
-2 page typed reflection outlining the concept-folio conception, process and results (FINAL EXAM IN-CLASS COMPONENT)
-color copy/copies/original of student artwork inspired by the chosen concept
-other additions may include: list of musical references, music, performance, web publication of concept folio with links, power point presentation of concept folio
The bottom line is: choose a concept that interests YOU. If you do, you won't even notice that you are working; if you don't, it will be a long semester.