Per your syllabus, visit the link below to watch Frontline's "The Return of the Taliban" (60 min.). Please note that each segment contains multiple chapters. Take solid notes- I will be asking you specific questions and I expect specific answers. Consider any parallels between the reality of the Taliban and Hosseini's depiction of the Taliban in The Kite Runner. Due November 30th (assessed by discussion and note-check). If you cannot access the technology to view the film, let me know as soon as possible and I will arrange it for you.
Good assignment. People need to understand that novels like The Kite Runner are eye openers, but they do not even come close to telling all there is out there. Use the novels you read as a starting point to develop a keener interest in the world around you. otherwise, the Taliban might not come for you, but others will who want to take away your freedoms.
I liked watching this video. Although some parts were a little boring, I learned a lot of information that helped me understand what the situation in Afghanistan is really like. Also, I could relate a lot of parts to the Kite Runner very easily.
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