Friday, December 19, 2014

Satire & Parody: Creative Writing

Click here to explore "The Onion," a satirical news source. Choose an article to review via the rhetorical distillation format. In your analysis, be sure to acknowledge both the humorous surface and underlying satire (in other words, identify the core criticism or point that is made via the humor) of the article. Post your analysis as a comment here.


Unknown said...

in the article"Lakers confident they just need another once in a generation player to get back on track" (2014. The authornclaims that the lakers need a "once in a generation player" to get the lakers back on track. The author supports this by saying drafting 19 year old prodigy, having a leader for the team and having the chance to make the championship. In order to get this just right the author needs to find that ideal player that will help the team. The article the author wrote displays how they could make it to the championship.

Sean Eykel said...

In the journalistic brief "Increasing Number of Men Pressured to Accept Realistic Standards of Female Beauty", the author expostulates the fact that ads are using non-models to sell their product. The author discusses the mental toll that "average" woman in ads on men. He goes on to say that depression among men has risen because of the "realistic" portrayal of woman in modern ads. The authors actual purpose for the article was to address the issue that people today are influenced by the UNrealistic portayal in modern media.

Unknown said...

In the article, "Avoiding Family Conflict During the Holiday Season", the author lists ways on how to keep your family from bothering you during the holiday season. The author starts off with modest proposals, then becomes more and more ridiculous by adding humor, irony, and using peculiar diction. The author uses humor in order to show how you need to relax tension between your family. The article lists humorous ways on how to "survive" your family during the holidays as a way to urge you to try to be your nicest and most mindful person during the holiday season.

Unknown said...

In the article "Ohio Replaces Lethal Injection With Humane Head-Ripping-Off Machine" (2014), the satirical news site know as The Onion pokes fun at the politics and controversy on the subjects of the death penalty that ultimately reveals the ways in which words can be bent by governments and media to manipulate the thoughts of others (upon many other things but I gotta choose one). The article speaks of a new technology produced which rather than using a series of poisons to kill inmates warranted, they can use a gigantic mechanical arm to tear their heads off so quick they will not even feel it; excessive sarcasm is placed throughout the article. This sarcasm is used in order to exemplify the contrast between the message and the actuality. The audience intended would be people of an age understand not only sarcasm itself but also how news stations and politics work, so roughly anyone early-mid teenage years and up through all of adulthood especially.