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Monday, September 10, 2012
Freshmen: Learning Style Test
Welcome, freshmen. Please click the link below, complete the learning style assessment, and offer a description of your results as a signed comment to this post.
I was mostly a lingustic learner followed by very close interpersonal and logical learning styles. Then i had a little bit of visual and kinaesthetic. I barely had any naturalistic, musical, or intrapersonal learning styles in my graph.
I was mostly a lingustic leaner followed very close by interpersonal and logical learning styles. I also had some visual and kinaesthetic learning styles. I barely had any naturalistic, musical, or intrapersonal in my graph.
My graph proves that I am mostly a linguistic and logical learner (exceeded 20). I have very little music smarts as well as intrapersonal smarts. After linguistic and logical smarts I could be considered a very visual and naturalistic learner.
While my chart was fairly balanced, the two areas where I seemed to learn best were musically and logically. Mucically did not suprise me much; I often have multiple songs playing over and over in my head, and it helps me focus. From the logical stand point, I definitely notice patterns and can work problems out in my head very frequently. Nothing on the chart really suprised me, and I felt like it was pretty accurate. -Jared Terwilliger
While my chart was fairly balanced, the two areas where I seemed to learn best were musically and logically. Mucically did not suprise me much; I often have multiple songs playing over and over in my head, and it helps me focus. From the logical stand point, I definitely notice patterns and can work problems out in my head very frequently. Nothing on the chart really suprised me, and I felt like it was pretty accurate. -Jared Terwilliger
My lowest skills were logic, nature, body, picture or people smart. My highest skills were music, word, and myself smart.
My lowest skills were people, logic, body, and nature smart. My highest skills were music, word, and myself smart.
I was mostly a lingustic learner followed by very close interpersonal and logical learning styles. Then i had a little bit of visual and kinaesthetic. I barely had any naturalistic, musical, or intrapersonal learning styles in my graph.
I was mostly a lingustic leaner followed very close by interpersonal and logical learning styles. I also had some visual and kinaesthetic learning styles. I barely had any naturalistic, musical, or intrapersonal in my graph.
My graph proves that I am mostly a linguistic and logical learner (exceeded 20). I have very little music smarts as well as intrapersonal smarts. After linguistic and logical smarts I could be considered a very visual and naturalistic learner.
While my chart was fairly balanced, the two areas where I seemed to learn best were musically and logically. Mucically did not suprise me much; I often have multiple songs playing over and over in my head, and it helps me focus. From the logical stand point, I definitely notice patterns and can work problems out in my head very frequently. Nothing on the chart really suprised me, and I felt like it was pretty accurate.
-Jared Terwilliger
While my chart was fairly balanced, the two areas where I seemed to learn best were musically and logically. Mucically did not suprise me much; I often have multiple songs playing over and over in my head, and it helps me focus. From the logical stand point, I definitely notice patterns and can work problems out in my head very frequently. Nothing on the chart really suprised me, and I felt like it was pretty accurate.
-Jared Terwilliger
Naturalistic and Intrapersonal :)
kinaesthetic :19
linguistic: 17
kinasthetic: 9
linguistic: 8
logical: 7
interpersonal: 11
intrapersonal: 5
musical: 7
visual/ spatial: 7
naturalistic: 8
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